Tuesday 6 March 2012

Graphic Detail #3 - Ivan Tedesco's 2012 Hart and Huntington Kawasaki

Hart and Huntington's bikes have always been just a little off for me, From designs that had way to much going on with not much flow to the weekend warrior black bikes. So this year the guys at N-Style appear to have used the same line on Cary and the crew as I do on the ladies, 'less is more'. These bikes are pretty sick, three colours, four max is the way to go, and this bike fuckin' knows it! Not too much crammed onto the shrouds, just a few logos, and the green sweeping on to the seat is a nice touch, unlike the one's your uncle used to give you when you were younger. The number backgrounds are spot on, Tedesco has the benefit of being able to run a single digit number, so he can have that bastard as big as possible on them to make sure everyone knows how boss he is. Unfortunately with most of their riders picking up injuries (Hill - foot, Tedesco - Hand, Partridge - Foot and Neck) we're getting to see these bikes shredding it less and less. However it's been rumoured that a fill in rider is being recruited at the moment so there will be more chances for you to catch a piece of eye candy other than the monster ho's. (Is that offensive? Fuck it they probably can't read) Love you girls!

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